Monday, March 12, 2007

adapting with a new world

Been lately encountering the thoughts of myself being too prone to doing assignments and researches that I realize I'm actually missing out a lot on family and friends. The routine of each and every day is almost as if I don't have a life. Altogether, its almost exactly like the movie Pursuit of Happiness. Well, minus the achievement part that is.
The movie talks about a man who went through extreme ups and downs of life, even in one point that he was forced to live over night in a subway toilet, due to not having himself a place to live. The very thing I admire is the determination is there, but the possibility of grasping something is almost none.

The never ending assignments lead me astray. It brought me to a place where I do not recognize music anymore, where I barely spend time at home, and not even knowing my close friend's major life transition. But that's how it goes, you miss out of something, you gain another. Chris Gardner went through persecution in life, he fought for a good life for himself and his son. The ending though seemed a little blurry, because it doesn't look like he had it all. He gained a whole lot from what he used to be, but his wife never came home.
It's easier explaining it through a movie, rather than speaking of some metaphors which will confuse you at the end of the day.

Chris Gardner: I'm the type of person; if you ask me a question, and I don't know the answer.. I'm gonna tell you that I don't know. But I bet you what, I know how to find the answer, and I WILL find the answer.

1 comment:

Pemuda Masakini said...

i totally feel you bro!

here is one good quote that i wanna share w/ you from the TV series called Six Feet Under

The future is just a fucking concept that we use to avoid living today.

make a good use of it ; )