Monday, March 12, 2007

visual attracts/ visual kills

I had always been in situations dealing with people that 'label' themselves in an indirect manner. I believe its no harm bringing this up, as might lead this to a better understanding

MTV has been channeling mainstream bands that comes in different genres of rock. From what we see today, out of the 10 people that we know, it is most likely that 7 of them sort of hooked themselves into music categories that they believe 'suit' themselves most. Nothing out of the world, no big deal huh? The question of, if we Malaysians are not connected/acknowledge to this channel at all, do you still think there are still as many of these people that claimed to be the so called 'punks'?
Have these typical Malaysian "punks/skinheads/goth"ever came to the realization of the true definition of these lifestyles their embracing? Lets just put it this way, do self-acclaimed 'punks' ever understood the roots and history of indeed the TRUE punks? Does listening to a little bit of Metallica makes you 'one of them'? If your regular mp3 player has the 'Until the day I die' song, does that conclude that you are in total agreement with the song's lyrics? Maybe you can agree more with even adding a little make-up on?

Pam: These self-labeling people totally crashed the whole idea of music genres.

Yes,we all know that music genres are partially influenced by subcultures. BUT does listening to the song, and dressing up like one of them actually makes you one of them?
What happened to the admiration of jazz? Having the ultimate 'source' of the so-called 'rock-fashion', these fools would just click channel 71, and start absorbing onto the things that are 'cool' today. Do you think this affects the contemporary Malaysian lifestyle? I must say that the act of analyzing what artists apparel are,and having to put them on yourselves doesn't really quite get you in the head. To conclude this, these acts are most commonly the acts of gaining attention, or trying to fit it, or just killing to be different/unique.

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