Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Perfect Spirit.

Once, even myself gets thrilled and running with the whole feeling of a little 'fun'. The kind of fun most of the people my age understands. But not to the point where, it actually became a part of my lifestyle. It's funny though. Now, I plainly don't get thrilled by anything anymore. Just knowing God's greatness, is sufficient to spend the rest of my days. Think I'm boring? I think I simply don't do most of what everyone else does. Take it this way. I don't find excitement it all the fuss everyone's talking about. I don't find my joy in clubs. I don't find the thrill in 'men talk'. I don't find a my talent that special anymore. The fact that God has made everyone special in specific things, is already mind-boggling. Obstacles somehow, do get in my way, and in everyone else's. The way to tackle it reflects on how positive and God fearing you would be.

I learnt great things. I have been taught, that we can't please everyone in the world. But there is also sacrifice, for a sacrifice shows devotion. I have experienced, that silence is one of the biggest tools a God fearing man can use, yet being firm in our words and stand is crucial. I learnt a try, is a try. No one man, shall preach the first words and expect a miracle to take place the next second. For a seed grows as it gets watered. Trials might being making its way to you, but be still and know that He is God.

The world might preach similar to what God's people will. Yet half truth is a whole lie. Our Lord God is so flawless that He cannot be a 'half'. Sometimes, it takes a man to come to humility and understand, rather than speaking a thousand words and make a fool of himself. Oh yes, I come across with em everyday. How smart he may sound, he'll be blown away by God's greatness. Three years knowing my Lord Jesus, and it felt like He has taught me forever. God was there, and will always be around. Worldly happiness shall fade away and come to misery. It just gets more exciting by the day!! It's a joy worth shouting for! The blinded men will never get understanding of the joy as I speak, no matter how the times I repeat. God, take hold and shine Your glory!

I wish I could tell as many, on how God has touched me. Made me cry, humble, and ponder upon his greatness! I wish, I could be like Eunice, who had the ever loving heart to share and reflect on the Christ likeness. I'm starting to miss her. Yet I worry not. For it's all in God's hands. If you've known me for who I was almost 10 years ago or even 4, you should know I speak no words close to what I just did. Yet I'm changed. And it was Him who did it. Praise be to Him!