Saturday, November 17, 2007

Love like Rockets.

I went out with Pam to buy her flight ticket back to Jakarta, and along the way we went hunting for I-Empire as well. Once we've reached Tower Records, we immediately felt the familiar tunes. I-Empire was playing in Tower Records! Weirdly, I kinda felt flattered or sorta honored that they were playing Angels and Airwaves, as if I was part of the band. Guess this is what you get if you're so damn crazy about them/ their music. I got so highly excited, as well as Pam and we spread out running like little kids searching for the CD. We were practically all over the place at first.

Matt Wachter as bass.

Then I found the album, and held it in my hands. Oh the joy of showing it to Pam! The joy was indescribable man. I haven't felt that feeling since I last bought BoxCar Racer. I'm not an album collector freak and I wouldn't usually pay 50 bucks for a music album but this one is exceptional. I'd buy for 200 bucks if I have to. And so, me and Pam bought 1 each for ourselves! That's how much I think the songs are worth. It is just so worth it. All their hard work of coming up with the cool concept for the songs and the weird distortions, you can't really say how much to label their album for.

All Pam's collection of their originals.
Mine's only the BCR and I-Empire.
Notice they're two copies of both albums.

Not only that, we've sorta been exposed to their interviews, and sorta past and current lives. It's funny how other people couldn't see the art of their music and how it is bloody awesome but its forgivable cuz' they probably didn't follow up since Blink or never did. Btw, I strongly support Matt being in the band. He definitely fits in more than Ryan, seeing that Matt is much more nice and easy-going as he is. Plus, he had so made the right decision for leaving a band that plays emocrap for a band that is worth playing for (though he gets bullied here and there, but it's all good.) I'm just so happy for them. Of course the top that, the best feeling is the experience of it with Pam throughout all these days. The two people who're overly enthusiastic with Tom's current project, hehe. :)

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