Friday, March 16, 2007

capturing exactly what I need

Struggling with the Botswana's indusity project, I have only 1 week left to submission week. I've gone through ideas and ideas but nothing seem right. Nothing seem satisfying to myself.
Then there's the point where having to judge myself comes in. Things' weren't running as smooth as I hoped it went. Ideas
may be inclining,but it would have helped alot if slow people like me can think ahead. I mean, think about it, one week left and Im still stranded at the position where I should already have accomplished. Then again, if I would've used my previous ideas for this project, it would've suck bad. Thats a nono.
Think.. Botswana as one of the best known country for its wilderness, comes along with that 'rich & famous' term. Have you ever been aware that
this country is one of the leading countries that mines diamonds? Let's just put aside the blood diamond and 'debtswana' issue for a second here.
I couldn't get my ideas out, no matter what I do, read, look at or hear. The chicken essence doesn't seem to be working so much for me an
ymore. And yes, gazing at great adverts is didnt seem to be helpful enough. Till the moment, that she says this...

Pam: Try to incorporate what rich folks do, with the environment of the African savannah and wilderness.

Me: ....what have I been thinking for the past 3 weeks?! THATS IT!

Pam: See, I should've taken your course!

Plans are all up, yada yada yada, calls to borrow a golf club from uncle, appointment with a model and so on. Theenn, things got out of hand again, as these two past days just decided to rain on me and ruin everything. But hey,look at the ads photograph! Turned o
ut pretty-well.

Now just look how tough it is to be a photographer when models do not
cooperate with you.
Anyway, thanks to pam, for her outstanding vision, and odie for making me snap 500 shots of you. cheers! BOTSWANA, YOU CAN.


pam said...

heyyy!! u're still sleeping. haiyoh, slept at 6 to do the poster until cannot get up and skip class. ck ck ck. but hey it turns out well! i like it. i think the giraffes and the trees are of just enough quantity. dont put anymore. now wat u need to do to is fix the ball! heheheh... put a tee also la if u can. but overall yes yes nice! :)

Pemuda Masakini said...

this one is damn fucking nice picture to compare w/ one of your attempt which u showed me last time.

what is good is the angle of the picture showing a great depth.and i also can not spot the flaw the montage of the golfer and the giraffes.

if i may give u suggestions, the room for improvement would be the contrast control of the ball and the placement of the giraffes. and if you can put some more elephants or zebras somewhere around the and make a good composition out of them. and yeah, in my POV, horizontal view is nicer though.

overall, i can ur effort through this pic, god joob! ; )