Monday, July 7, 2008

I'm from England.

Halfway throughout this day out with Ian, Daphne and Stanley, I came across this moment that made me speechless. Literally, speechless. We were out at the wildlife park, which was awesome by the way. Experience and saw all kinds of animals there. The best one, definitely goes to milking a cow and feeding/stroking kangaroos.
We were up queuing to touch/snap a photograph of this wombat, which is also, extremely chubby and cute. Two steps ahead, there's this lady holding a big lizard on her arm, letting everyone stroke em one by one. I hope I can fill you in with photographs of expressions but sadly I don't have any. It's hilarious!
It was my turn to touch the lizard. So she goes, "Here you can touch it from here to here" (indicating the back of the lizard) So, I touched it. And of course, reptiles are cold blooded.

Me : Wow, awesome. Feels cold though.
Woman : Yeah, it's a repttillleeee (Speaking really slow and trying to announciate the words)
You know? Reptiles? They have colddd blood? (Stroking her arm, indicating blood)
Me : Yeah. What's it called?
Woman : This one? It's called a Nooorrthherrnnn, (points upwards) Bluuuee tonguueee
(sticks out her tongue and points at it), SKINK. (smiles)
Me : :)

Those words were at the edge on my mouth.
I speak English. AT HOME.
But it's all cool.
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't ticked off at all.
There's more to life than always bitching.
Just one of those "Do youuu speakk'a any enngliishhh?" moments that I never encountered.
It was as if Chris Tucker was saying it to my face. Worth a post.

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