Monday, May 26, 2008

Will I sing Hallelujah?

Sometimes, that whole feeling of not being 'fit' for God is just fairly natural, I suppose. But glory be to Him, for however down I am, with His grace and guidance, we overcame it. Together. It's just really wonderful sometimes, I don't even think 'wonderful' is the right term for my expression right now. It seems too mild. There should be this word that describes all his characteristics, all into one. There probably isn't any right now, for none of us can grasp it.

The Motorcycle Diaries gave me great inspiration. The passion that Che Guevara has, for what he believes in, he fought for it. Similar to this, the Weather Underground, and a lot more radicals that are pro-communists and socialists. Seems quite fair, and I totally understand what drove them to have done as such. The intentions are for good. Or put it in this word, 'peace'. Be it peace or not, I still believe the actions taken can always changed or be acted out in a whole different way. There's no point promoting peace, using violence. Apparently, people find the idealogy of wanting to make a point without a gun is 'useless'. I'd like to prove that very wrong.

Or even so, killing for freedom. Having to look at all this issues, that's when I'm assured that God is ever faithful and ever loving. The approach, I believe would be drastically different if God-fearing men were to lead. Then again, they'd probably already been doing so, just not recognized for it probably because of not being 'extreme' enough. Somehow, being extreme is good. But there's still a fine line, I believe that needs to be drawn between sanity and insanity. We're given a conscience to comprehend actions that needs to be taken. Sadly in these revolution cases, anger took over. Injustice could be really hard to digest. But God is an all-knowing and all-loving God. Justice lies in Him. I believe that God's agape love can overcome everything. And it did, indeed.

When God is blurry, and vague from our sight. We tend to take control of what's 'good' and 'bad' for ourselves, or even others. We create facts and follows them. We choose indulgence over something that is so great it, cannot be compared with. We make ourselves god, believing in our one and only effort. We make other God, because us humans love to replace God's position. We're so busy occupying ourselves with the temporary. We often complain about of our short of resources, when God has already provided what we need. Something I find very meaningful I learned today, is that we love to allow the enemy to steal and destroy from us.

I believe to sort out every confusion whether it is God-pleasing or not, falls down to its very purpose. I read, and learn, understood what life's purposes are. What separates the godly from the ungodly. How mysteriously awesome our God is. Imagine, love that we can far understand, because its unconditional. Love that we are redeemed. It just makes you want to kneel and cry.


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