Monday, March 31, 2008

Standing firm.

It makes me think now, looking at some of the people getting real distressed with problems. Small or big, no matter the scale, it's really how you learn to handle it. I think I have pass the phase of worrying too much. But of course, as people would say, if you don't worry, you're being too comfortable. That right there, I believe is questionable. My point is, the things that makes my stand a little shaky now, tends to be so different from the ones that use to bug me. Positive attitude is one thing, and I believe its not entirely just that. Relying on God is another whole thing. The big and small struggles that took place, seems the same to me now. It's still, a struggle. To comprehend? Who needs to?
God has taught me to take problems lightly. No need to make a big fuss about it, or tell the world how much of a difficult you're in. Just ask, and pray and He will provide. I've just been given so much from God, that I can't help but to share. Who needs a lending hand?

Patience is another. A person has showed me the type of patience that Christ has been teaching. Well, not one, but many. This one, in particular, blow me away with how a person can choose. Choices, is what God has given to us. It's such a privilege to be given a choice. And who are the ones that will choose to use it wisely? We can choose to look at a person's inner beauty, and not outward or the filthy things one does outside. Or simply how a person dresses. Just because it looks weird 'generally', does it really matter to you? Like if there's one person, just one person besides you in this world, would you care? And if you said yes, will that affect how you would talk to that particular person? I'm going way off topic here from the start, but you know how when a person says things spontaneously, those are the ones that really makes you think?

Usually, they say this. Wake up, and stop drowning yourself in the world. It's time to come back to the Lord. Seeing how most of us are so shaken in our faith, that causes our actions that are extremely frowned upon. But listen to this instead. If you have made a decision to be devoted to God, you will. Unless you allow yourself an opportunity to take a rest from living a Christ life. So, don't blame God for your wrong doing. And don't sigh about living a Christian life, for it is productive. So much that only God sees it. Don't 'promote' your Christian life to be so miserable and sacrificial, because Jesus didn't. If you would really look into experiencing it, it really isn't. At one point I thought myself that no one could live a life that's God-pleasing. But now I completely take back those words/thoughts. And why you ask? Because its simply, a life that is victorious! Now, to mention that I'm living a life that's victorious is a pretty big claim you'd say. But I never exaggerate things (at least not learn to anymore) so know, that there is a huge and awesome mystery that lies beneath a life that awaits you.

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