Saturday, March 8, 2008

Losing your heart.

I planning to write this post, to so agree a hundred percent with what Pam had written in her blog. It's about how 'motivated' people can so easily lose themselves. Everyone wonders, believers and non-believers. I myself, always have crazy thoughts, and wonders about the littlest to the biggest things. Want an example? Here it goes, I wonder, if God were to create a third sex, what and how would it be like? But see, there's no point because it's simply impossible.
Back to my main point. I have also placed myself in a situation and teachings where people say, 'Nothing is impossible'. Let's see that again. Up to a certain extend, it's applicable. If you want to achieve anything you want, you do it with all your heart and soul, you'd probably achieve at least something very close to it. Then again, to believers, we have to always be extremely careful with the things we 'desire'. Like i said, 'A success without God is no success at all.' Most will be easily misled, and misinterpret things such as goals in life.

I dare to state that I'm not a negative person, after all the experiences and right teachings, I now see the good from bad, the right from wrong from a clearer point. The 'good' of the world does not mean 'good' in God's eyes. If you claim that nobody that stop you from achieving your goals, I believe that's a very strong statement you made. Think again. I once myself, lost my heart and was misled. Such an egoistic pain that thinks I knew everything. But with God's grace, He sent people to tell me that I'm such a small person no matter how 'big' I think I am. No I'm not be-littleing myself, but we as believers, are already aware how mighty and powerful God is. Your 'highest dreams' is probably is 'smallest tiny-est' thing to God. But He is also ever-loving, and blesses those who live according to His will.

Again, God has answered my prayer. There're too many words to express my gratitude and thankfulness to Him. For He's given Pam the understanding and Spirit to decern things, and understand things the world will NEVER understand or comprehend. It's no rocket science, it's God. Pride is no different from money. It could take your heart away without you even realizing it. Though I'm so regretful of the level of pride I had, I thank God for humility and that I'm now slow-to-anger. Cheers sayang! I'm so, so happy for you, you have no idea!!!

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