Friday, February 8, 2008

Children of the War

Mara Salvatrucha 13

I've seen documentaries on the MS 13 (Mara Salvatrucha) gang before, it was once aired on television. If I'm not mistaken, the National Geographic. But they have an even more proper and detailed documentary called 'Children of the War', also filmed to show the lives and activities of the MS13 gang members. If you're not familiar with it, the MS 13 is known to be the most violent gang the and fastest spreading gangs in the world. The total accumulation of the gang members, worldwide counts up to 100,000 individuals and still grows rapidly everyday. I didn't think there is another more sophisticated version of documentary than the one I've seen before, so now I'm really eager to look for the 'Children of the War'. In good hopes, I'll be able to find it.

This is the typical Mara Salvatruchan gang member's appearance.
Alot of them though, are look just like an average citizen.

Gang Sign. Originated from the concerts of
Ozzy Osbourne, the 'rock' finger gesture.

Part 1 of 5.

To know further about the MS13, log on to Youtube, it's quite a reliable source providing these documentaries. Be sure to find a lot of shocking insights about the group there. Totally reminds me of City of God. Just 100 times more powerful!

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