Wednesday, July 11, 2007

a month's back

After a whole long decade of not writing, I've had a couple of things running in my mind. Little petty things. Okay, I'll bring you through a time line from the start of 2007 till this very day. Early February. Still, I was clueless about my career planning. About when and how I'm going to achieve success (which covers many aspects) None of that was in my head at all. Then on that very month, I decided I was passionate about advertising, and took up one of the four courses that was offered in 95 percent.

From that time onwards, my life was shaken. I could barely see myself as a daydreamer anymore. It went on all the way to the last week of my college semester in mid may. I remembered, I have a week left to celebrate, all the joy I was about to have during holidays. The whole idea of relaxing and having enough sleep after months of hard work. Then I presented my work at 95 percent,which got me into an advertising agency called Dentsu. I was bloody shocked and happy, NOT knowing the pressure I was about to face. Having said that, I haven't got any rest from February up to this day. I'm still working in Dentsu, NOW. And I contemplate whether or not I should take up the next module of 95 percent, which is the third out of the four. It's one of the biggest modules that I think I should take, it's Idea Generators for God's sake.

But my other side tells me that its time to relax. Sleepless nights in the office was enough to ruin my health. The next semester is about to start, and if I take up modules, I might go crazy. Looking on the bright side, I THINK I'll be worthy to be higher than others. For the past few days, wild crazy thoughts come. Random things. Things like, I wish to get a PS3 and play the hell out of those few months during my college days to redeem myself. I've never had a playstation before, which is why I bloody think this is best time to get one. Or even, buy an iMac desktop and NOT use it for work (though I really need one now for work), or even a G4.

My drums are dusty, so am I. Suggestions anyone?

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