Friday, May 11, 2007

Ad Newbies in Progress Presentation

Ad Newbies in Progress Presentation

What a night! We were all so hyped up and nervous presenting in front of the panelists. We did our best, and the whole class was very supportive and judges were fun people. The rest of the experience will be something that's hard to put in words. However, I'll never forget this day.

The famous Andara and I

Chin2,Silvia,Tang and I.

'Awesome Threesome' Zahirah, Gwyneth and Andara.

Nalisa!! Quickly grab your pic! Heehee..

Woei Hern, Senior Copywriter of Dentsu looking at some of the ads during presentation.

Panelists, again.

Caryn, Alia, Budi. Go Verve ABC (Alia,Budi,Caryn) Man,you guys really DO have a reason for the alphabets don't you.

Chicklets. Mazrah, Sartika and Badd.

This is a proof to 95% trainer's childishness. Hahahah. Peter and Shahnaz fooling around behind Janet, like kiddies gossiping. How is that a formal panelists discussion?

There am I along with my team, presenting our ads to them. A moment to be cherished and remembered.

It was a real fast-paced four weeks for me, till tonight. I finally finished the first module, Ad Newbies. Learned alot. A LOT. This four weeks was practically a lifetime to me. All of us changed our whole perspective on the way we look at ads, at advertising and some of us, life.
I've never felt such an intimate relationship with my classmates before (not all of them) and this class rocks! Everyone knows each other personally. There were no barriers of communicating whatsoever.

I'll cherish this night alot. Presenters tomorrow, all the best to you and nail your presentation!

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