Thursday, March 29, 2007

This is one of my lowest moments.
It is perfectly normal for a Christian to feel burdened for someone else. The things I've been telling others, is hitting me right in the face. Many of times, I've even remembered encouraging friends, telling them to not worry for the dilemmas they're in. God's always there, just pray, and He hears you. Its simple, really. Well, of course there are a lot more to that but that's really the sum of all things I usually say.

It is, really indeed a Godly spirit to feel burdened for another person. But this one, just makes me feel so low. I've been through this. Its so hard sometimes, that I go to church every week, praise God for who He is. But when I meet my friends, I hold back in telling them about Jesus. Then, when I don't, I feel this burden for them, this worry that they're unsaved. How can I not introduce them the one son of Man, Jesus Christ? My heart just feels extremely weighed down right now. This grieve is so hard to undergo.

Also, these things would be really easier if I would've focused to God all the time. But somehow, I feel like I'm not strapped with the word of God. Then again, whatever it is, I've known really really nice people. People that are nice to me, mean to me. Friends that somehow, I just have to forgive. Whatever it is, I still feel very low. Too low to do anything about it. Honestly, I regret not being committed. I've seen how God work in my life when I'm obedient. If I would've just equip myself more with His word, I know I can go far. For everyone. I know miracles will happen as I've experienced them so many times.

The whole day, I've been grieving for people's salvation. It feels too much for me to bare. I just wanna stop doing everything and cry for them. I've been feeling that the entire time of these days. Somehow, I could've been a better friend to everyone. I'm sorry. I really am, to you guys whom I've been bad to. Whom I've offended you in any way. Jesus, would be someone you need to know, regardless of how different you think you are from others. Everyone's unique. You're special, so is everybody else.

But this one person, knows you by name,by heart, and by your thoughts.
Ask me. Ask me what I want to tell you, and I will do anything to let you know.

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