Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Jesus walks with me


Moments of desperation takes over again tonight, and yes I know I shouldn't turn to God only in times of trouble. After these two years of embracing Christianity, all the memories come rushing back towards me again, reminding me that hey, you were once a strong committed child of God. Where did all your fire and enthusiast go to?
Thank God, that He has His ways of leading me to prayers all again, although I stray away countless times. This moment, this very moment.. All the sayings and advices (inspired by God) is spoken to me once again. It was very hard trusting the Lord considering by problem that I will share out later with. It just hit me hard when Pam told me to just trust Him and have faith in Him.
Christian brothers Shawn and El, gave me strong, STRONG convincing word. Word that says, that God is IN me, that I need not worry and all left for me to do is to place my full trust in Him.

What happened was, I was caught with forging the residential car-sticker. Firstly, regardless whether Im able to execute a perfect 'fake' car-sticker or not, I've totally learned my lesson not to do it, anymore. It was pretty serious I''d say, considering that I have to confront the management office's people tomorrow. I was led to an area where I couldn't reason anymore. That is where I experienced, the people and friends that stuck up for me in times of my trouble and desperation. I prayed to the Lord, seeking for guide and wisdom to comprehend things.

This really reflects on my true-self, whether I would have faith in Him when Im really placed in the position where most things are impossible. I should start taking things even more seriously with God, wayyy more serious. Im having a presentation tomorrow in the noon, and in the morning, I have to face the management of the residential area Im living in, concerning my forgery or a car-sticker.
I've learned that the road to solution is never to run away, but to settle the problem. Face whatever circumstances I have to pay for the wrongdoings of mine. I prayed, prayed, cried, and all sorts of emotion ran in me. I believe Jesus' ways are higher than mine, and he knows best.

Shawn : God is already with you and have full faith in Him. Dont worry too much. Pray, and whatever the outcome, just thank Him cuz it might've been worst without Him.

Thank you Pam, for being there every time I'm in need of somebody. It would've been much harder without you. Thank you Ian and Sammy, for sticking up for my problem. I appreciate your unconditional help for me. Thank you Shawn, Elvin, for your prayers. THANK YOU LORD, whatever the outcome is tomorrow, I'll know you were there for me.

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